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The Ravenshoe/Mt Garnet Rifle Club shoots competitions every Sunday (9am muster for 9.30am start) at the Ravenshoe Shooting Complex located on Cemetery Road in Ravenshoe. Competitions are shot at distances of 300, 400, 500, 600 yards and 700 & 800 meters with one distance shot each week. We shoot several categories of rifles: Target Rifle, F Standard, F Open, F/TR and Sporting-Hunting. The Club welcomes everyone who would like to come and try our sport. For more information contact: rc.ravenshoe@gmail.com


Saturday, 29 August 2015


The Cairns Prize Meeting was held over 1st  – 2nd August 2015 at the Cairns Rifle Range, Wangetti .  A good turn up of around 37 shooters (8 TRA; 8 TRB; 6FSA; 7 FSB; 4 F Open and 4 F/TR).  There were 9 Ravenshoe shooters represented.  We all  enjoyed a warm weekend with moderate winds and mirage.  The first day was 300, 500 and 700 metres and Sunday’s matches comprised 700, 800 and 600 metres.  There were some good scores recorded with Kevin  Chatfield, Mick Wood, Murray and Liz Wilson achieving  possibles in F Standard;  Jason Kuchel in TRA, Peter Burg in F Open and Chris Allman in F/TR. 
In Target Rifle A Jason Kuchel came 1st at 300 and 700m and 3rd at 600m.  He also came 1st in Day 1 aggregate and 3rd in Day 2 aggregate.
Peter Burg had a brilliant shoot in F Open, coming 2nd at 300m, 3rd at 500m and 2nd Day 1 aggregate.  On Sunday he was 1st at 700, 800 and 600m and took out the Day 2 aggregate.
The Cairns Rifle Club included F/TR for the first time in their OPM with Betta Gianasi coming 1st at 300, 600 and 700m and Day 1 aggregate.  Chris Allman also performed well, with 1st at 600 and 700m and 3rd at 300m and 1st at Day 2 aggregate.  Paul Padgett also shot in F/TR with 2nd at 300m and 3rd at 500,800 and 700m.  From here on this discipline will expand in leaps and bounds.
In  F Standard A (FSA), Kevin Chatfield continued his great form coming 1st at 300 and 700m, 2nd at 500 and 600m and taking out both daily aggregates.  Kate Chatfield was 1st at 600m, 2nd at 700m and 3rd in Day 2 aggregate.  Mick Wood came 1st at 500m and 3rd  at 800m and  the Day 1 aggregate.  Murray Wilson came 1st at 700 and 800m and Day 2 aggregate.
In F Standard B (FSB) Liz Wilson came  1st at 300, 800m, and Day 2 aggregate and  2nd at 600 and 700m.
Grand Aggregate winners:  TRA:  Jason Kuchel  1st (296.28)  F Open:  Peter Burg 1st (355.22)  F/TR:  Betta Gianasi 1st (344.19)  Chris Allman 2nd (341.16)  FSA:  Kevin Chatfield 1st (347.17)  Murray Wilson 3rd (343.15)  FSB:  Liz Wilson 3rd (341.16).

TR Grand Aggregate Winners (from left to right): 
Jason Kuchel, Trevor Deed and Elliott Ross

 FS1 Grand Aggregate Winners (from left to right): 
Kev Chatfield, Travis Khon and Murray Wilson
 FS2 Grand Aggregate Winners (from left to right): 
Dennis Russell, Charlie Lazarus and LIz Wilson
 FO Grand Aggregate Winners (from left to right): 
Peter Burg and Peter Smith
 FTR Grand Aggregate Winners (from left to right): 
Paul Padgett, Chris Allman and Betta Gianasi

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