Shoot in Ravenshoe today was at
600yds, with pleasant but overcast weather and
the usual Ravenshoe switching winds. S. Durham (Mareeba) score of 120.7 combined
10 shots in the first round and 15 shots in the second. Double 10 shots
competition for the F Class shooters: F Standard – M. Wood 117.11; F/TR – C.
Allman 117.10, B. Gianasi 117.8, J. Anderson 112.4.
Next weekend, August 6 & 7: Cairns Prize Meeting,
Wangetti range. 8am muster for 8.30am start
Next shoot in Ravenshoe Sunday, August 14: Double 500yds: 10
shots comp. 9am muster for 9.30am start, followed by General Meeting.