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The Ravenshoe/Mt Garnet Rifle Club shoots competitions every Sunday (9am muster for 9.30am start) at the Ravenshoe Shooting Complex located on Cemetery Road in Ravenshoe. Competitions are shot at distances of 300, 400, 500, 600 yards and 700 & 800 meters with one distance shot each week. We shoot several categories of rifles: Target Rifle, F Standard, F Open, F/TR and Sporting-Hunting. The Club welcomes everyone who would like to come and try our sport. For more information contact: rc.ravenshoe@gmail.com


Sunday, 21 June 2015

Results Sunday 21 June 2015

Ravenshoe Hardware kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 500 yards. Rain with moderate switching winds. Results for double 500, 10 shots comp. F Standard – Kev Chatfield 119.14, M. Woods 118.9, M. Wilson 118.5, Kate Chatfield 116.9, P. Burg 115.8, E. Lee (visitor) 113.7, L. Wilson 113.3. FTR – B. Gianasi 119.8, C. Allman 115.9, P. Padgett 114.5, J. Anderson 111.2.
Sunday, June 28: 600yds, 10 shots competition & 600yds 15 shots competition (8.30am start).

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Results Sunday 14 June 2015

Ravenshoe Hardware kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 500 yards. Rain with moderate winds. Results for double 500, 10 shots comp. Service Rifle – J. Anderson 55. Target Rifle – S. Durham (Mareeba) 103.9. F Standard – M. Wilson 118.9, L. Wilson & M. Wood 116.7. FTR – B. Gianasi 119.9, C. Allman 118.14, P. Padgett 115.3.
Sunday, June 21: Double 400, 10 shots competition (8.30am start).

Results sunday 7 June 2015

Ravenshoe Hardware kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 500 yards. Strong switching winds gusty at times. Results for double 500, 10 shots comp. Service Rifle – J. Anderson 85. Target Rifle – S. Durham (Mareeba) 104.9. F Standard – P. Burg 118.12, B. O'Reilly 114.9, M. Wood 110.4, Paul (half round) 54.2. FTR – B. Gianasi 115.9, C. Allman 112.3, P. Padgett (half round) 56.4.
Sunday, June 14: Double 400, 10 shots competition (8.30am start).

Monday, 15 June 2015

NQRA Queens 2015

Eight intrepid Highlanders travelled to Townsville to take part in the 2015 NQRA Queens Shoot & the Townsville OPM 29TH – 24TH June. This was the second Queens to be held in Townsville in the new regime and was attended by over 100 shooters (38 TRA, 11 TRB, 7 TRC, 17 FSA, 10 FSB, 13 FO & 11 FTR) under some very trying conditions at some of the ranges, with above normal strength winds coming from opposing directions. The following were our results:
Townsville OPM
Kate 900m
Kate 500m
Kev 500, 800

Daily Aggregates

Day 1: Kate 3rd
Stage 1 (500 & double 600)
Kevin 1st
Stage 2 (700 800 & 900)
Mick 3rd
Stage 3 (800 & 900)
Kevin 3rd Kate 4th

Kate 4th; Kev 7th
(Mick did not shoot)
Wilson Agg: Mick 3rd
Kevin 8th Kate 10th
Queens Agg:
Kevin 2nd Kate 11th Mick 14th
Kevin 3rd
Mick 8th Kate 9th


Murray 800 & 900
Liz 600 & 700
Liz 500 & 600

Daily Aggregates

Day 1 – Murray 2nd Liz 3rd
Day 2 – Murray 1st
Stage 1 (500 & double 600)
Liz 2nd
Stage 2 (700 800 & 900)
Liz 2nd Murray 3rd

Murray 1st
Liz 5th
Wilson Agg:
Murray 1st Liz 4th
Queens Agg:
Liz 4th Murray 6th
Murray 1st Liz 3rd

Chris 2nd Paul 5th
Chris 5th Paul 9th
Chris 6th Paul 11th
Chris 5th Paul 9th

Jason Kuchel came 27th in the Queens and adopted Highlander, Steve Durham, did not disgrace himself, taking out many range/aggregate medals. All in all it was an enjoyable shoot. Congratulations to Betta and her assistants (Jean, Kelly(Chit Chat) and of course master of ceremonies Greg Gartner for doing such a sterling job as Chief Range Officer. Sad to see he’s retiring. Not to mention the other Emcee, Bruce Scott – sterling performance, as always.