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The Ravenshoe/Mt Garnet Rifle Club shoots competitions every Sunday (9am muster for 9.30am start) at the Ravenshoe Shooting Complex located on Cemetery Road in Ravenshoe. Competitions are shot at distances of 300, 400, 500, 600 yards and 700 & 800 meters with one distance shot each week. We shoot several categories of rifles: Target Rifle, F Standard, F Open, F/TR and Sporting-Hunting. The Club welcomes everyone who would like to come and try our sport. For more information contact: rc.ravenshoe@gmail.com


Sunday, 31 August 2014

Results Sunday 31 August 2014

Ravenshoe Tyreright kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 400 yards. Sunny with mirage and changing winds. Results for double 400, 10 shots comp. Target Rifle – S. Durham (Mareeba) 100.8, K. Randolph 91.2. FTR – G. Venables 117.11, B. Gianasi 113.5, J. Anderson 112.9, Kath Chatfield 93. F Open – P. Burg 115.8. F Standard – C. Allman 116.9, Kev Chatfield 113.8, K. Randolph 110.5, S. Durham (Mareeba) 60.4.
Congratulation to Mick Wood for his 2nd place on both Day Aggregates and on the Grand Aggregate in FSA at the Barcaldine OPM.

Sunday, September 7: Double 400 (8.30am start). 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Results Sunday 24 August 2014

Bertoldo Electrical kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 600 yards. Sunny with mirage and changing winds. Results for double 600, 10 shots comp. Target Rifle – J. Kuchel 104.9, S. Durham (Mareeba) 101.7. FTR – G. Venables 112.3, B. Gianasi 109.6, J. Kuchel 108.1, J. Anderson 83.1. F Standard – P. Burg 117.9, Kev Chatfield 114.8, C. Allman 113.5.

Sunday, August 31: Double 400 (8.30am start). 

Saturday, 23 August 2014


Ravenshoe shooters Murray and Liz Wilson left home after the C&IDRA Prize Meeting in Cairns to shoot the Queens in Brisbane. It was well attended with 105 target rifle, 28 F Standard, 21 F Open and 6 F/TR shooters attending from Australia and New Zealand in the Duncan lead-up and 148 target rifle, 42 F Standard, 37 F Open and 8 F/TR shooters in the Queens.
Liz scooped the pool in FS B taking out the aggregate in the Duncan, the Queens and the Grand Aggregate. She also took out the Day 2 Short Range Aggregate, the Day 3 Long Range Aggregate and the 900 yard Aggregate. The last day’s shoot at 1000 yards proved extremely difficult, with rain and very low visibility taking its toll on many shooters, with a number retiring.
The Belmont range is a credit to all involved, with the range a picture of perfection and the presentation went very smoothly.

2014 C & IDRA Shoot

The 2014 C & IDRA shoot took place on 3 August at the Cairns Rifle Club. It was well-attended with around 32 shooters turning up on a pleasant, sunny day with slight to gusting winds. Ravenshoe was well represented in all categories over 2 x 15 shot matches at 700 and 800 metres.
At the 700 metres Mick Wood was second with 88.6 in FS1 and Paul Padget, Murray Wilson (86.6) and Betta Gianasi taking out the first 3 positions in FS2.
At 800 metres Mick Wood first with 89.9 and Kathy Chatfield close behind with 89.6 in FS1. Paul Padget and Liz Wilson both got 84.5 in FS2, with Paul taking it out on countback.

FS1 Aggregates were taken out by Mick Wood and Kathy Chatfield. FS2 Aggregates went to Arthur Simpson (Mareeba); Paul Padget and Jim Klein (Cairns) beat Liz Wilson for 3rd position by one point.


The Herberton OPM, 2nd August 2014, was well attended by 32 shooters over double 500 and 600 yards.
The Ravenshoe contingent shot well with Jason Kuchel taking 1st and 2nd at the first two 500 matches and 3rd at 600 yards. Jason also took 1st Aggregate in a shoot-off against Bob Kennedy. Well done Jason!!
Peter Burg came 2nd at 500 and 3rd in the Aggregate for F-Open.
In FS 1 Kathy Chatfield came 1st at the 2nd 500 and 1st at 600 and 1st Aggregate in FS 1. Mick Wood came 1st at the first 500 and came 2nd Aggregate in FS 1.
In FS 2 Kevin Randolph came 1st at 500; 3rd at 500; 1st at 600 and took out 1st Aggregate in FS2 with Liz Wilson taking 1st at the second 500 and 4th overall aggregate. Paul Padgett came 3rd in the 1st 500 yards.

Overall, it was a great day, with excellent marking and wonderful prizes supplied by Peter Smith.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Results Sunday 10 August 2014

Bertoldo Electrical kindly sponsored today’s shoot at 600 yards. Rain with light fog later in the morning. Results for double 600, 10 shots comp. Target Rifle – S. Durham (Mareeba) 105.9, J. Kuchel 104.12, K. Randolph 93.1. FTR – G. Venables 114.8, J. Anderson 112.3, B. Gianasi 108.3, P. Padgett 107.5. F Standard – K. Randolph 116.8, C. Allman 115.7, M. Wood 111.5.
Congratulation to all the Herberton and CIDRA OPM winners, check it out at ravenshoerc.blogspot.com.au

Next Sunday the range will be closed to allow the SSAA Zone 5 Big Game Rifle Championship. Next shoot on Sunday, August 24: Double 400 (8.30am start).